Exterior Handyman Services

Louisville Handyman & Remodeling_Exterior Handyman Services

Our exterior handyman services play a pivotal role in both maintaining your home or business as well as enhancing curb appeal, durability, and property value. From wood rot or siding repairs, to painting we are here to help.  Also if you are trying to update the exterior of your home, we can help with new shutters, light fixtures, new siding, and other improvements to transform the exterior of your home or business.

Our team of experienced handymen will ensure your home or business looks great, is well-maintained, and reflects your pride of ownership and attention to detail.

Exterior Handyman Improvements

Exterior Handyman Maintenance

Quality Control Process

Provide written scope of work and price

Project Photos

Project completed, photos and notes taken

Project thoroughly reviewed by leadership

Confirm you are satisfied with project

One year warranty with paid invoice

Make Your Home Look Great

Improve the appearance of your home’s exterior and protect it from the ever changing Kentucky weather.