Water is one of the most destructive forces in nature and one of the biggest threats to the condition of your home. You can defend your house from damage with a water drainage system, but you must conduct regular maintenance to keep it functioning; that means cleaning gutters — a much-needed and much-dreaded item on your to-do list.

No matter how much you’d rather avoid it, a fall gutter cleaning is essential. Leaves, twigs, and pine needles accumulate in gutters throughout the spring, summer, fall, and even winter. If you don’t clear them out before the rainy and cold weather, it can cause various problems that will hurt your home and finances.
Protect your pocketbook by performing gutter maintenance before debris can cause a problem.
In the spirit of our new gutter promotion, Louisville Handyman & Remodeling is sharing our gutter cleaning tips as we answer your frequently asked questions:
What Happens If You Don’t Clean Your Gutters?
Are Gutters Worth Cleaning?
When to Clean Gutters?
How Often Should Gutters Be Cleaned?
How Long Does it Take to Clean Gutters?
Can I Clean the Gutters Myself? DIY Gutter Cleaning Safety
What is the Easiest Way to Clean Out Gutters? A Promo with Louisville Handyman & Remodeling
What Happens If You Don’t Clean Your Gutters?
If you don’t clean your gutters, they’ll fill up with sticks, moss, pollen, algae, mold, mildew, flowers, and other natural debris which block the entrance to your downspout. It’s kind of like how food prevents water from draining in the sink while doing the dishes. Sometimes, this debris also causes downspouts to become clogged.
Your gutters’ job is to carry water away from your house and its foundation safely. If they cannot do so, water around your home can saturate the soil, leading to soil heaving during freeze/thaw cycles. Ultimately, this can lead to foundation problems and water leaks in your basement.
Are Gutters Worth Cleaning?
Yes! Gutters are more than worth cleaning, in our experience as handymen and homeowners. We’ll give you four reasons why:
1. Blocked gutters can fill with ice.
In winter, clogged gutters can freeze with water inside of them, which leads to the development of large icicles, ice dams on your roof, and oversized loads of snow and ice sitting precariously on the edge of your roof. This can be a safety hazard and can cause structural damage.
2. Clogged gutters may leak.
Gutters are held together with caulk and anchored into your home’s frame. However, they’re not meant to hold water for any longer than the time it takes for the water to drain. Gutters that stay full of water for long periods can eventually develop other problems because the caulk that holds water in your gutters can only withstand so much stress. Clogged gutters can easily leak as the caulk begins to rot and deteriorate. These leaks can spout water over the pathways around your house or by your front door.
3. Clogged gutters may bend.
Water weighs a lot and can bend your gutters over time. Depending on how they twist and where they turn, the shape of your gutters may create new avenues for water to escape from your gutters onto your roof or foundation when they become full.
4. Clogged gutters will eventually pull away from the house.
Eventually, your heavy gutters may start to pull away from the house — especially if wood rot sets in, which can quickly happen if your gutters aren’t functioning correctly.
The cost to repair these problems can vary, depending on the extent of the damage. The longer you wait, the worse the problem gets. Don’t let that happen to you!
When to Clean Gutters?
So, when is the best time of year to clean gutters? Clogs can happen anytime, even if your gutters have already been cleaned earlier in the year. In fact, for some homes, gutters need to be cleaned at the end of each season. The best time to clean gutters depends on the type of trees growing on your property, how close they are, how tall they are, and how many storms hit your home.
Watch your gutters for signs of a clog. During heavy rain storms, clogged gutters overflow. Other symptoms that your gutters need to be unclogged or even repaired include:
- Take a peek inside. If your gutters are littered with leaves and mud, you need to have them cleaned.
- Your gutters sag in the middle or sink on the end away from the downspout, causing water to flow out the gutters on the wrong end.
- Your gutters have rust.
- Water leaks out of the gutters, usually at the seams and joints.
You can also run a quick test to determine the condition of your gutters. Here’s how it works:
- Spray your roof with a hose.
- Let the water roll off your roof into the gutters.
- Do this for several minutes to give your downspout and gutters a chance to fill up.
If they’re not clogged, the gutters will drain continuously as the water continues rolling off the roof and into the gutters. If the gutters are clogged, they’ll fill with water and eventually overflow. You’ll also be able to tell your gutters are blocked because more water will enter the gutters than water exiting through the downspout.
How Often Should Gutters Be Cleaned?
If your home is in a clearing with few trees in the area, your gutter cleaning frequency only needs to be once per year. If you live on a property near several cottonwoods and pine trees, your gutters may fill with debris regularly. After a big wind storm, your gutters may become superficially clogged.
Plan to clean your gutters multiple times after your first year in a new home. If your gutters remain in good condition after the first cleaning, then once per year is enough. If your gutters clog before the year is up, then cleaning twice annually is appropriate.
How Long Does it Take to Clean Gutters?
The time it takes to clean out your gutters depends on your experience. An expert can finish in around 30 minutes, but it will take a newbie at least a couple of hours. It’ll take even more time if you have a complicated roof line.
Can I Clean the Gutters Myself? DIY Gutter Cleaning Safety
With enough determination, the right tools, and prior research, you can do anything, including washing out your gutters. However, if you decide not to hire someone to clean the gutters and tackle the task yourself, there are several safety tips you should follow to protect yourself:
- Let someone know you are cleaning the gutters (preferably have someone nearby in case of an accident).
- Use a secure, stable ladder.
- Wear thick, suede gloves to prevent cuts.
- Wear eye protection.
- Use rubber-soled shoes to prevent slipping.
- Be mindful of and avoid power lines.
What is the Easiest Way to Clean Out Gutters? A Promo with Louisville Handyman & Remodeling
Gutter cleaning is hard, dangerous work. It has to get done, but, at the same time, it’s probably not how you want to spend your weekend (or weekday or evening — you get the picture).
Give yourself the gift of more time and less work by hiring a handyman to clean the gutter instead!
Before you start Googling “handyman gutter cleaning near me,” take advantage of Louisville Handyman & Remodeling’s gutter promo. Get 10% off your gutter cleaning when you book and make your deposit before November first.